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CBD: 0 - 30 mg/g
CBD Potency Bar: not set
Dosage: not set
Consumption Method: not set
Contains Minor: not set
Order Limit: not set
THC: 650 - 850 mg/g
THC Max Range: 6.5
THC Potency Bar: not set
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Snow Dome INDOSE Metered Vape


3g DCE
DCE, or “dried cannabis equivalency” refers to how many grams of dried cannabis this product format is equivalent to.
Product type: Vapes
THC Max Range: 6.5

Snow Dome INDOSE Metered Vape


Target a specific dose with INDOSE All-in-One Metered Dose Vape, our new ready-to-use vape that provides a measured approach to vaping cannabis by delivering a precise dose of THC with every draw.

Containing a full-spectrum resin extracted from our best-selling indica strain, Snow Dome™, each lightweight, pocket-sized vape is preset for a 4 mg dosing session delivered across 0.5 mg increments allowing you to measure the cumulative levels of THC inhaled. Research has shown that THC may be helpful as a therapy for pain, inflammation or nausea/ vomiting1.

INDOSE’s patented technology utilizes two sensors that measure the density and flow of the vapor cloud being produced. It then takes readings from these sensors and utilizes an algorithm to calculate the amount of active THC content in the vapor cloud and conveys that information in real-time.

Similar to other prescription medications, dosing cannabis should be done with the careful supervision of your primary healthcare provider. Aurora® supports the Health Canada recommended “Start low, go slow” approach.

When you are new to vaping, it is recommended to take slow, small puffs until the desired effect is achieved. Start with a single inhalation and wait at least 10 minutes to assess any effects. If the desired effect is not achieved, take an additional inhalation and wait another few minutes. Continue this process until the desired effect is achieved. Effects may vary on an individual basis.

Each INDOSE All-in-One vape contains 0.3 g of Aurora THC-rich, CO2 extracted cannabis resin and will deliver up to 90 inhalations. This is a disposable, non-rechargeable unit.

Each INDOSE vaporizer will count as 3 grams towards your monthly limit.

To access the user manual, click here.

NB: The INDOSE vaporizer may need to be primed upon first use. Priming involves puffing on the end of the vaporizer for approximately 15-20 seconds to prime the atomizer, which is the internal heating element. As the atomizer primes, the dosage meter will begin to light up indicating it is sensing vapour. Once the atomizer has been primed, this process will not need to be repeated.

Please note that this product is partially covered for our veteran clients, meaning that Aurora will apply a 25% discount to the list price, prior to direct billing VAC for a maximum of $8.50 per gram. The remaining balance must be paid via an alternative payment method like a credit card.

Reference: 1. Baron, EP. Medicinal Properties of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain: An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science. Headache Curr. 2018;58:1139-86. 


650 - 850 mg/g


0 - 30 mg/g


3g DCE
DCE, or “dried cannabis equivalency” refers to how many grams of dried cannabis this product format is equivalent to.

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