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  • Aurora continues to work closely with our partners, including mail and courier services, to maintain delivery timelines. Changes announced by Canada Post to their services can be found on www.canadapost.ca, we are monitoring developments closely and will update our patients as the circumstance evolves.


    Creating your own pocast from home

    Creating your own pocast from home

    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    As we mark the first anniversary of recreational legalization in Canada, we caught up with Owen Smith, our Stakeholder Engagement Specialist, to reflect on the impact he has made on the legalization of cannabis in Canada. After all, it wasn’t long ago that Owen launched his constitutional challenge to the Supreme Court of Canada to guarantee access to additional forms of medical cannabis.

    “In 2009, I was arrested for making cannabis-infused vegetable oil products for medical patients at a grey market buyers’ club,” Owen told us from Victoria, B.C., where he is based. “I fought the charges with the support of the club and through community fundraising. We eventually showed the Supreme Court that restricting medical cannabis access to dried flower infringed upon patients’ Charter right to individual autonomy to make choices about their health.”

    Because of that 2015 ruling, thousands of patients across Canada are now able to access medical cannabis products such as oils and capsules.

    Owen has penned over 100 articles on medical cannabis, edited a 40-page quarterly journal, hosted an internet radio show, created a podcast, populated multiple YouTube channels and now adds Stakeholder Engagement Specialist at Aurora to that list.

    I joined Aurora to be able to continue educating people about medical cannabis from their formidable stage.

    Keeping in line with his advocacy work, Owen currently implements and fosters socially-responsible initiatives on behalf of Aurora and our employees. Some of the projects he has been working on include: volunteerism, Aurora’s Community Impact Fund, responsible consumption and affinity groups within the organization.
    In his long advocacy career, Owen has penned over 100 articles on medical cannabis, edited a 40-page quarterly journal, hosted an internet radio show, created a podcast, populated multiple YouTube channels and now adds Stakeholder Engagement Specialist at Aurora to that list.

    The personal difficulty was more than worth it. It has been my honour to fight for Canadian patients.

    Owen currently implements and fosters socially-responsible initiatives on behalf of Aurora and our employees. Some of the projects he has been working on include: volunteerism, Aurora’s Community Impact Fund, responsible consumption and affinity groups within the organization.

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